It is not unusual for a neighbour to want to group two properties in a community of owners. This action can be carried out, but like so many other modifications that entail substantial alterations, it must meet a series of requirements.
A) Firstly, in application of article 10.3 b) LPH, administrative authorisation is required. The competent Town Hall must be notified of the work to be carried out as it could have an impact on a structural element. This is, in our opinion, a prerequisite.
B) Secondly, an agreement of the community of owners is also required. Since the reform of the Spanish Property Law in 2013, and this has been ratified by the Supreme Court in its Ruling of 20 July 2020, the required majority is 3/5 of votes and participation coefficients.
Once these two requirements have been met, the owner may start the works. If the two requirements are not met, the work could be considered illegal and the restoration of the initial situation could be requested.